






そんな中、ちょっとした出来事があった。人と待ち合わせをしていたある日、相手から1時間遅れるとの連絡がきた。電車の行き先を間違えたようで、遠いところ申し訳なかったなと思いつつ、特別な用もなかったのでのんびりとカフェに入って、お昼のサンドウィッチを頼んだ。席に着こうとしたとき、『ABOUT COFFEE』という絵本が目に入った。どこか惹かれる表紙だった。偶然やってきた空白の一時間で、お付き合いさせてもらおう。そう思って手に取った。

これが実に素敵な本であった。どの産地のコーヒーをどんな風に淹れると、どんな仕上がりになるのか、愛のあるタッチで書かれていた。わたしはすっかり魅了されてしまった。そして、「同じような本で紅茶について書いてあるものがあれば良いのにな」と考えた。すると、思いがけず簡単に、『ABOUT TEA』という本が見つかり、すぐに家に取り寄せた。


紅茶が大好きだが、何も知らないわたしは、この『ABOUT TEA』という本の中に書かれた内容を、茶葉がお湯を吸い取るように学んだ。すると次はミルクティーについて学ぼう、と決意をし、『イングリッシュ・ミルクティーの秘密』という本を入手して、口の中のクッキーが紅茶を吸収するように学んだ。そして、誕生日祝いに(その本が届いた日は奇しくもわたしの誕生日だった)、お気に入りのアール・グレイを使って、本に書いてあった方法でミルクティーを入れてみた。












About Writing

Writing is similar to carving wood. You know what you want to create, but there is no distinguished shape in the wood that you have right now in your hands. Thinking hard through trial and error, you carve the object little by little with the knife called “words” and you give it a shape that you want.


I have liked writing since childhood. Many stories naturally came into mind and I sometimes wrote them down. When I was 12, I remember saying that I wanted to be an essayist in the future. But, after going on to junior high school, I did not make much effort to write a lot.


Yet sometimes, I get caught up in a swirling vortex of emotions. I cannot help keep thinking about a particular thing and I cannot get it out of my mind. At such times, I have jotted my emotions and thoughts down as a short note, or just let my thoughts wander around in my head without expressing them in words. I have not tried to capture most of the thoughts that occurred to me in my life and left them as they are. And they had always disappeared without a trace.


I thought, however, my thoughts were more special this time, since I am studying abroad. They are completely different in quality from the thoughts I had before, and probably I will not think in the same way in the future. I may go abroad again, but at a different age, with a different way of thinking and sense of feeling, and for a different purpose. So I need to seize them. I must not lose my thoughts and emotions without realizing it. That’s why I started to write essays. But it has to be something distinctively different from just a record of my experiences abroad. I want to cut out the world I see in my unique shape using the scissors called words. I want to because writing is the best way for me to organize my thoughts, because I enjoy writing, and because I need to acquire better writing skills if I really like writing.


Why do we write? One answer would be to understand yourself. Sometimes it is not easy to know exactly what you are feeling yourself. That is why you have to actually hold a chunk of wood, face it patiently and carve it with the knife called words. It is a time-consuming task -  but at the same time, it is a wonderful time to listen to what your senses say. And now I have found again how much I like this process of putting my sensibility into words.








けれど、留学中に考えたことはもう少し特別なことだと思った。今までの人生で考えてきたこととは明らかに質が違うし、これから同じように感じることもないだろう。たとえまた海外に行ったとしても、この年齢で今の考えを持って今の感覚で行くことはないし、きっと目的も違う。だから、今回ばかりはどうしても書き留めておかねばならない。それが必要だった。知らない間に見失うわけには行かなかった。だから、エッセイを書き始めることにした。でも、留学先での経験をただ書き留めるだけのブログとは何か決定的に異なるものを作りたかった- 私の感覚で、私の見方で、この世界を切り取って言語化したかった。




Words of Music

“Oh, so you like music?” “Yeah, I mean, who doesn’t like music?”, my friend said. I stopped and answered, ”You’re right. Everyone likes it…” Music seems to be something very important for humans. I also see myself as a person who loves music. For me, it is an essential piece that is definitely indispensable in life. It is special. But, how? In what unique way do I appreciate music? Since I had that short conversation with the friend, I have been thinking about it for a while. So, I decided to try to put it into words.


I went to Yellowstone during the spring break. Leaving home early in the morning, we arrived at the hotel after 12 hours of driving. We were supposed to head out at 6:30 am the next morning to observe wild animals. I had to go to bed early and prepare for the exciting week that was about to start. Finally getting ready to sleep, I slid my body into white sheets of the king-sized bed. Yes, I was so looking forward to this moment to put on my earphones.


What I felt then was the strongest kind of emotion that I have for music. Close my eyes and concentrate all my sensitivity to what I hear. The sound I hear leads me to a different world - faint blue light quietly flickers in the dark in the distance, just like an aurora. It pulls me to its world with a strong grip. I feel my chest get tight. It takes my breath away. Special energy runs through my body and I want to release it in some way. Even though my eyes are closed, my mind is wide awake. I usually get to sleep as soon as I go to bed but I was listening to music for an hour without realizing it, even though it was a long day. These feelings resonate with the dream-like fact that I am in Yellowstone and they overwhelm me even more.


When music shakes me the most strongly, I have a sensation like this. Or it could wrap me up with a different sentiment.


One beautiful winter day, we were driving on a straight road that leads to Grand Canyon in a vast desert. My favorite song was playing in the car [on the radio]. And we were talking about music. My friend said, while driving, “You know, music sometimes connects with some special time. For example, if I hear this song that’s playing right now someday, I think I will remember this trip.” It was a kind of song that zones me out every time I listen. I feel as if I were in the middle of an endless grass field and I forget all the small things. The day after the trip, I woke up early in the morning alone in the house. I was listening to the same song again, thinking about the scenery that I saw on the trip, things we talked about and the time I had with them. The image that song brings about echos the magnificent view of Grand Canyon. And I reflect. I had a wonderful time. Was it the same for them too? Will the time tied with this song keep being something meaningful in our lives and connect us again in some way?


It is not easy to express with one phrase what music is to me. Even though music is essential to me, I am not trying to pursue it professionally. But it soaks into various parts of my life and exerts some special power. It could take a different form from what I have written above. The feeling that I have when dancing is one example. Incorporate the rhythm of the music into my body and directly translate the image that the sound creates into motion. I think dancing is one of the best ways to express your sensation toward music. I genuinely enjoy expressing music with the “words” of dance and appreciate that I can use those words.


It is an interesting process to put into words such extremely visceral things like music. And it can be embodied in many more ways. What are your “words” for music?


Martin Garrix feat. Bonn - No Sleep (Official Video)


NOTD, Felix Jaehn - So Close (ft. Georgia Ku & Captain Cuts) [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]


Your Name | Sparkle - RADWIMPS [LYRICS]


To Live in a Foreign Country

I live in a city called Seattle. It is a city of coffee, of fresh seafood, and of tech industry. Living in a foreign country is an interesting experience - everything is different from the world I have known all my life and every moment is a new discovery. The people, the scenery, the way things go are all different. Those who have come to a new place have to be incorporated into that system whether they like it or not.


This is my first time living abroad for more than a month. I have visited the U.S. before and I thought I knew what American culture is like, not that that is saying much. Yet, since the very moment I got off from the plane, my story in this country has been painted in the color of the new world that I was about to plunge into. The big hug that my host mother gave me as soon as she met me, the way she got into her car and threw her bag to the backseat, the broad freeway and the cars that drove past us at a high speed. Everything was different from the world where I was born. From that moment on, each day has been filled continuously with new discoveries and surprises. There were so many things I did not know or had never seen before.


It has already been seven months since I first arrived in Seattle. I don’t get surprised in my daily life as much as I did when I first settled in. Even though I was overwhelmed with strange and unfamiliar things at first, I was going to live in this place for a while. So, I talked to people, tried a lot of new experiences, and carefully observed things. I have sought to find a way to live comfortably here, and gradually, I have been incorporated into its system. It is just like a lazy river - there is a flow of water and a flow of people. Or there is a flow of people and a flow of water. An endless flow that never ceases. You are abruptly thrown into the pool and at first, you can barely stand. The current almost drifts you away, you bump into others, you cannot secure your own space nor keep your own pace. But little by little, you learn how to deal with it and get to swim like others. Though sometimes you run into someone or fall down, you are more relaxed and now a part of the flow.


I enjoyed this process quite a lot. I definitely enjoy it now too. Just imagine the bumpy bus ride where people of different ages and races are getting on and off, the conversation you are eavesdropping on as you are having tea of a new flavor at a cafe, or the view of the water and the city lights on the way back home at dusk. Have you felt them so vividly as if you were in a novel? Do new things keep diving into your life despite living normally? Do you feel so intrigued with everything and want to know and experience more? Of course, not all were good things. I have felt confused, sad, depressed many times. Still, when I think about the reason why I got confused, sad, or depressed and what people there were thinking about, it brought about new discoveries. As you make those new discoveries, you also find the self that changes and never changes.


The thought that there are less than two months left panics me. The time left is not enough for the tons of things I want to learn. I want to see, experience, hear, talk and know more. But at the same time, given it is a “foreign country”, it is impossible to know everything and the learning process is never-ending. I do not know what an elementary school here is like. I did not hear the conservation flying about inside the classroom of a middle school here. I have never experienced prom at high school. I was not brought up in a family here nor have I heard what other adults here talk about. But even so, I want to understand the culture and the people here as much as possible and connect with them. I strongly hope so. Would I feel the same way if I lived here for three more years? I don’t know. But this feeling I have now is true.


The apartment where I live is at the edge of the campus and I can see the view of Seattle from my living room. Sometimes when I go out of my room to cook dinner, other roommates are all gone and the light in the living room is off with only the lights of the city outside the window illuminating. A mundane view that I have seen for so many times. It is not even the prettiest part of Seattle. Yet it takes my breath away every time. It is very beautiful. To me, each small light seems to show what I have seen and felt in this city and represent what I am here for. It makes me feel sentimental to think that I won’t be able to see this view many more times. But the fact remains that this place is now a part of my life.


I would not like to easily say that living in a foreign country is always great. Yet, as contemplating the view from the window, I reflect that it is such a wonderful time in life.


A story in New York - What can we do as the youth?

I participated in the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum, which was held at the UN headquarters in New York last week. Young people from all over the world got together to claim their opinions and suggestions in order to speed up the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In this conference, I was so inspired by the passion of other youth and was impressed by how much they want their voices to be heard. Even though I have been involved in multiple activities regarding climate change and sustainability as a student, I realized that I have not been very conscious of the importance of being a “youth”. Even though the youth are an entity whose abilities tend to be underestimated, their power can be extremely influential at times.

“The youth have the skills and the right to engage more in the decision-making process.” This was one of the statements made by one of the youths in the conference. Her enthusiastic look and voice made her message very strong. Another girl clearly made solid and concrete suggestions on the action on climate change, adding some message in French besides English. There are so many young people across the world who continue to work diligently to contribute to the world. I also need to be one of them. I have enjoyed an extremely privileged environment throughout my life and I have the responsibility to give back to the world. Now I have decided that I need to be a person who can inspire people around me more and who can influence society as one of the youth, for I think they have special power and being a youth is another privilege that I have.

The UN is a place that reminds me of my high school days, when I was working hard with my friends to learn more about the issues happening in the world. As I get to know more about problems, things always turn out to be more complicated. I am often confused about which solution I should pick and choosing a career is not as simple as I used to think. But still, I want to keep challenging myself without losing the passion I had those days.


高校生のときに、将来は「今からニューヨーク行ってくるね!」と言ってそう、と友達に言われたことがある。今回の小旅行はそれに近かったかもしれない。先週末の三日間、ニューヨークの国連本部で開催された、Economic and Social Council Youth Forumに参加してきた。これは、Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)の達成に向けてユースの意見を集める場として開催された会議である。行く前はどんなものか全く想像ができなかったが、会議の終わった今、考えたこと、ユースの一人としてここで言わないといけないと思うことがある。





世界に貢献するために強い思いで努力を続ける人たちがこれほどいるのだ- 本会議場とは別の部屋でモニターで会議を視聴していた私は、色々と考えさせられた。今回は予め入ることのできる部屋が定められていて、私にはいずれにせよ会議での発言権はなかった。しかし、発言権があったとして、私は彼らほど強く何かを語れるだろうか、あるいはこれまで何かを語ったことがあっただろうかと考えた。それと同時に「ユースである」という事実の重さを初めてここまで感じた。これまで学生として、Climate Youth Japan (CYJ)SUS+ UTokyoなどで気候変動やサステナビリティに関する活動は続けてきた。しかし、「ユースとしての使命」についてきちんと考えてこなかったと気が付いたのだ。そして思った。私はユースとしてしっかりと意見を持ち、それをもっと発信する必要があるのだと。単に興味があるから学ぶというだけではなく、この活動をもっと社会に還元しないといけない。自分がこれまで極めて恵まれた環境ですごしてきたという事実に対する恩返しを早く始めなければならない。誰かに寄り添える人になり、かつ彼らの役に立てる影響力を持たなければならない。「ユース」という、ときに過小評価されがちな、しかしときに極めて大きな影響力を持つ立場を利用して。



